Categories: Construction & Building Materials

CONEXPO unveils innovative digital resources for construction sector

CONEXPO, a renowned construction industry trade show, has reportedly announced the launch of an innovative digital platform that would act as a medium through which construction contractors could communicate with manufacturers of off-road construction equipment.

Reports cite, the new platform, called as the CONEXPO Connect, was unveiled recently at an annual conference held for the Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM), the owner of CONEXPO.

According to a press release by CONEXPO, the CONEXPO Connect platform is already available for contractors as well as other individuals that are interested in acquiring off-road construction equipment. Moreover, around 30 construction equipment brands have signed up on the platform already and are communicating with potential buyers regarding their respective product offerings.

The service was reportedly unveiled at a business meeting by the President of AEM, Dennis Slater, and the AEM Vice President of Marketing and Communications, Nicole Hallada, in the presence of about 375 association members.

Hallada stated that the new platform would act as an enhanced research tool that would immensely help contractors in acquiring construction equipment. Hallada further added that equipment buyers are looking out for new ways that would keep them updated on the new products and industry happenings. The platform attempts to fulfil that requirement as it brings in a new dimension the sector and facilitates a medium that connects equipment experts, contractors and manufacturers.

Reportedly, users would be required to get registered on the site and obtain an approval from a moderating body to use the platform. Once approved, users would reportedly be able to discover new products in concrete, asphalt, lifting, earthmoving, aggregate, underground and many other segments. Moreover, they would also be able to contact manufacturers, review equipment details and even request for product quotations.

According to reports, the platform would also give updates on the latest happenings inside the industry.

Sunil Hebbalkar: Having successfully completed his graduation in mechanical engineering, Sunil uncovered his professional interest in the field of online content writing, and currently works as a content writer at constructioncu.com. Straying away from the pen in his free time, Sunil finds solace in cycling and sketching. He can be contacted at- sunil.h@constructioncu.com | https://twitter.com/HSuniel/